Graduation ceremany

感謝第一屆畢業典禮嘉賓 開幕禮嘉賓: 招淑媚小姐 (教育局學校發展主任) 李雅怡小姐 (教育局幼稚園及幼兒中心聯合辦事處) 陸國森校長 (聖公會蒙恩小學) 頒獎嘉賓: 駱昌漢長官 (香港交通安全隊總隊監) 鐘嫻英校長 (屯門幼稚園校長會主席) 陸濼芙博士 (小牛頓中英文幼稚園小牛頓國際幼兒園醫事顧問) 王振明醫生 (註冊牙醫) [Thanks to the 1st graduation ceremony guests Officiating guest: Ms. Chiu Shuk Mei, The Goverment of HKSAR, Education Bureau School Development Officer (Tuen Mun) Ms. Lee Aly, The Goverment of HKSAR, Education Bureau Joint Office for Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Services Officer Mr. LUK Kwok Sum, Principal of SKH Mung Yan Primary School Presenters: Mr. Lok Cheong-hon, Senior Chief Supervisor, HK Road Safety Patro Dr. LUK Lok-fu Madonna, Medical Consultant]