2019-20 New School Program

1.No Play No Gain To improve the effectiveness of teaching to complement teaching in regular classrooms. Both K3 and K2 will participate in this year’s “No Play No Gain” school-based plan. Tutor’s name: Ms Cheung 2.“The Nature & Living” Enhance parents’ understand the values and attitudes to respect, appreciate and cherish the environment and nature.… Continue reading 2019-20 New School Program

Thanks all of my sweet heart!!

2019-2020N1BYim Tsz Yat 致小牛頓校長、老師們、姨姨們: 謝謝你們每一位的努力用心令小朋友們有一個愉快充滿愛心的環境學習、成長! 在這一個特別的學年,上學的日子不多,但大家都努力讓小朋友繼續學習,非常感謝你們!! N1B梓逸 Daven 2020.7.17 2019-2020K3BLuo Hoi Tung 在小牛頓幼稚園的三年時光,鎧潼最喜愛的就是每次的角色扮演活動,可以做鍾意的人,是最滿足。而印象最深刻便是到騎術學校,可以近距離接觸馬匹。十分興奮同雀躍,同時豐富校外體驗。 最後,感謝陸校長、Miss Chan每天在校的迎接,Miss Isa及各位老師的用心教導。 在此祝大家身體健康,生活愉快。 2019-2020K3AMa Chung Yin 仲言: 爸媽很開心可以參與和見證你人生中的第一次畢業典禮。在這三年的幼稚園生活裏,你就好像一張空白的記憶卡,由零開始,慢慢儲起你在校園裏所學到的一切。九月快到了,你就開始踏入小學階段,這間小學未必最好。爸媽希望你可以在沒有很大壓力下,開心學習,愉快地成長,把你的記憶卡漸漸增滿,你的未來,我們盡最大努力為你準備。 爸媽上。 2019-2020K3APMCheung Siu Yu 給老師及同學仔: 張筱瑜由K1APM開學時連奶嘴都不肯吐出來,到K3APM吱吱喳喳還會比賽載歌載舞,都有較一眾老師耐心教導。 老師對小朋友們的愛心和耐性令我無盡感激。 張筱瑜即將畢業,相信十分不捨小牛頓的生活,在她步入新校園的一天,我也祝願小牛頓老師們新學年工作順利。 張筱瑜媽咪上 2019-2020K3BLau Lit Shun 2020年這一年的K3學期因疫症關係,下半學期都是留在家學習對家長學生可算是新挑戰,幸好老師也準備充足。 不論是功課或網上支援,從K1至K3小兒在學校裏渡過了很高興的日子。由本來很多水果都不願嘗試到現在都會嘗試功課寫字也在老師悉心教導下漸漸進步。 希望升讀小學仍會記憶起幼稚園的生活點滴。 2019-2020K3ASiu Yan Yuet 親愛的moon moon: 從N班到K3這四年的日子裡,看著你健康成長,媽媽深感欣慰。還記得你在N班上學期仍未學識說話,媽媽真的很擔心,轉眼間你己經幼稚園畢業,每天聽著你滔滔不絕地說話真的有說不出的喜悅。媽媽希望你不斷努力,做個出色孩子!媽媽愛你。 31.5.2020 2019-2020K3APMCheng Tsz Yu 時光飛逝,轉眼間芷渝快將完成幼稚園三年的課程了。 感謝小牛頓的每一位員工,讓小女兒擁有一個充滿色彩和快樂的幼稚園生活。 芷渝每天都十分期待上學,每天都會與爸媽分享校園生活的點滴,看見她每張充滿笑容的相片,便知道在學校她有多快樂。 衷心多謝校長、副校長、各位老師及Aunt對芷渝的照顧。 Thank you。 2019-2020 student… Continue reading Thanks all of my sweet heart!!

Contribute to the society

First and second mask distribution The distribution of masks for the first and second paragraphs has been completed. Thank you parents and the community for their active support!

Little Newton Parent Volunteer Team is officially dispatched.

In 2019-2020, we issued a notice to the parents of the students who were studying, and invited them to join the Little Newton Parent Volunteer Team. After the notice was collected, we divided the parent volunteers into different teams. Including: standing group, outing visit group, photography group and specialty group. In September and October, we… Continue reading Little Newton Parent Volunteer Team is officially dispatched.

2019-20 school year continuous plan

One school social worker for each school The school implemented “one school social worker for each school” policy. The social worker will come to school on regular basis in order to enhance better parent communication and children growth. Parents may approach your class teacher for more details. Straighten Up School Campaign The school provides spinal… Continue reading 2019-20 school year continuous plan

Past annual plan

Speech Therapists Visting Scheme The school invited speech therapists to come on regular basis in order to provide advice and assistance to children. The team on speech therapist will come to school on regular basis in order to enhance language development of children. Parents may approach your class teacher for more details.