- 教育學博士(修讀中)
- 教育碩士(香港大學 )
- 綜合調解員培訓證書(香港和解中心)
- Licensed Kindermusik educator (Kindermusik International)
- 元朗區婦女會(名譽會長)
- 屯門區幼稚園校長會(秘書)
- 港九新界幼稚園教育協進會(秘書)
- 香港交通安全隊公共關係署(總隊監及優良服務獎章)
- 香港青少年軍團(副主席兼新界南總區指揮官)
- 香港童軍總會屯門東區務委員 兼任第一七八五旅小童軍團長
What we believe: Gentle parenting is not letting your children be in charged. It is a way of building a relationship with your child that is joyful, has limit and is loving. You can be firm and kind.
- 幼兒教育高級文憑 (香港理工大學)
- 幼兒教育學士 (香港都會大學)
- 幼稚園教育證書課程 (香港教育大學)
What we believe: Games motivate children to learn, but we must maintain a “work hard, play hard” mentality.
- Diploma in Management, Sri Lanka
What we believe: First capture children’s hearts before aiming for their minds. Inspiration makes any subject fascinating!
- Qualified Kindergarten Teacher Education Course (English)
- Bachelor of Arts, University of the Punjab
- Professional Kindermusik Educator ( Kindermusik International )
What we believe: All in one, one for all-in Ms Ris class, no one gets left behind. It’s where discipline and delight make the perfect blend.
- University of Bombay (India)
- Postgraduate Diploma (ECE)
What we believe: Every child is unique and capable to achieve anything so reach out for the stars and keep soaring high!
- B Sc – Flinders University
- TESOL – TEFL Hong Kong
What we believe: Children naturally want to learn. Let’s open the doors for them to explore in a safe and happy place.
- 幼兒教育高級文憑課程(香港專業教育學院)
- 教育學士(幼兒教育:特殊教育) (香港都會大學)
What we believe: You are about to move up to K3 class. Get ready to face various challenges. I hope that under my guidance, you will learn step by step, and advance towards primary school.
- 幼兒教育榮譽學士課程 (香港教育大學)(進修中)
- 幼兒教育高級文憑課程 (香港專業教育學院)
What we believe: The first step is as good as half over.
- 幼兒教育高級文憑(香港專業教育學院)
- 幼兒教育(特殊教育及領導才能)榮譽學士學位(香港都會大學)
- 英國皇家音樂學院五級鋼琴
- 英國皇家音樂學院五級樂理
What we believe: Learn and grow up together, Be the one what you can be.
- 教育學士(特殊教育)(香港都會大學)(修讀中)
- 幼兒教育高級文憑 (香港教育大學)
- 聖約翰急救證書
What we believe: You can’t be perfect but you can be unique
幼兒教育文憑 (香港都會大學)
What we believe: I hope that students can maintain curiosity and passion in their learning and growth.They can face challenges bravely, and work hard to achieve their goals. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything! You’re making progress, keep going ! You can do it!
- 幼兒教育高級文憑 (香港教育大學)
What we believe: Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. Keep trying your best!
- 幼兒教育榮譽學士課程 (香港教育大學)(進修中)
- 幼兒教育高級文憑 (香港都會大學)
What we believe: Every day you get better and better! I’m so happy you are part of our class. Keep shining bright like a star!
- 幼兒教育榮譽學士(香港教育大學)(修讀中)
- 幼兒教育高級文憑(香港教育大學)
- 聖約翰急救證書
What we believe: You can achieve anything you set your mind to!
- 幼兒教育榮譽學士 (香港教育大學) (修讀中)
- 幼兒教學高級文憑 (香港專業教育學院)
What we believe: I hope that the children can grow up healthily and happily, laying a solid foundation for their future learning and life.
- 教育學士(幼兒教育:特殊教育)(香港都會大學)(修讀中)
- 幼兒教育文憑(香港都會大學)
What we believe: “The less you help students, the more they will learn.” The growth of children requires time and cultivation. Let us accompany them and help them thrive.
What we believe: Enjoy the world, love lots and laugh often.
- 幼兒教育高級文憑(香港專業教育學院)
What we believe: In our class, I want you to feel safe to take risk, make mistakes, and discover your unique talents.
- 幼兒教育高級文憑(嶺南持續進修學院)
- 幼兒教育學士學位深造文憑 (香港教育大學)
- 中文研究文學碩士 (香港教育大學)
- 香港教育學院普通水平測試,考獲二級乙等成績
What we believe: I knew You could Do it!
- 音樂教育系學士學位 (哈爾濱師範大學)
- 中央音樂學院聲樂八級
What we believe: I hope children will have fun learning to sing and learn Putonghua in Little Newton.
- 工商管理文憑(香港專業進修學校)
What we believe: I hope that students can maintain curiosity and passion in their learning and growth.They can face challenges bravely, and work hard to achieve their goals. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything! You’re making progress, keep going ! You can do it!